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Eleni Mandell : une femme qui s'en mêle

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Do you know other French singers (even if Jacques Brel was from Belgium)
I know Serge Gainsbourg, and I know Jacques Brel, Edith Piaf,... Nana Mouskouri, Francis Cabrel...
'Cause my father and my sister lived in France for a year. My father really loves all kind of music. So we grew up listening to all different kinds of music. Yeah I love all of that stuff. I have the last record from Francoiz Breut, that's pretty good, I love that a lot. I don't think we get enough in LA or in the States. We don't get exposed to enough music from other countries.
but still, you know Francis Cabrel...
(rires.) Because he had a song in a movie, and we loved the song.
I like some Italian music too. Paolo Conte and Zucchero. Do you hate it ? (rires.) I lived iin Italy in college for six months, and we used to listen to Zucchero all the time.
I love old opera music... I listen to a lot of different kinds of music. I was watching a French music program on TV, and there was a French rap group, and I thought it was great ! You know the video where the tickets are all flying ? "Vilette" ... ? I don"t know. I know it was good. I don't know what there were saying, but the music was good.

what about South American music ? Brazilian music ?
yeah, sure. Joao Gilberto... What else ...
I like some 60's African music, the twist music they did. And rock steady Jamaïcan music.

With whom would you like to do a duet ?
Of course I'd love to sing a song with Tom Waits. I'd love to work with Bob Dylan (rires.) I really love Bob Dylan too. I would like to sing a song with Tom Petty, a country song. I think his voice would be good for that. And, who else... George Jones, he's a country singer. He's still making records. that would be really nice. he has a beautiful voice. And, er, that's it ! (rires)

Un grand merci à toute l'équipe du Ciel, à l'équipe du festival LFSM #5 et particulèrement à Stéphane Amiel pour son excellente programmation, et bien sûr à Eleni et Kathy pour leur disponibilité et leur gentillesse.
Eleni Mandell devrai revenir en automne 2002 pour quelques dates en France. On vous tient au courant.

Quelques liens :
- le site officiel d'Eleni Mandell :
- le site du festival "Les Femmes s'en Mêlent" :
- Robert Crumb : The Crumb Museum
- Exene Cervenka du groupe "X" :

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