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Mark Linkous de Sparklehorse

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Lyon, Ninkasi le 17 octobre 2001

Un vent venu de Virginie est passé par la France cet automne. Les chevaux sauvages de Sparklehorse ont donné une série de concerts dont les spectateurs et les heureux auditeurs de France Inter auront du mal à se remettre.
L'occasion était trop belle. PurJus s'est ainsi laissé porté par la brise aux cotés de Mark Linkous, homme à la fois réservé et ouvert, timide et généreux.

PJ: When your were in hospital in London after your accident in 1997, you received a lot of letters from fans and friends saying how much you and your music were important for them. You said that from this time on you had realised your music could help people get through difficult times. Obviously this is very much underlining in your latest album "It's a wonderful life"...
ML : The title of the new album is sort of...I was lucky enough to have been told how much my music meant to people. I guess when people think you're gonna croke, all the sudden they sort of sworn how much they love you and how important you are. But this record is really meant to be like a gift for everyone. 'Cause of the flowers on the cover. It's more about how almost any person in the street or any window... you could pick any person and hopefully... everybody is important. I don't know... maybe something about my music will inspire one person to tell another person how much they mean to them today before it's to late.

PJ: this may explains the artwork in the booklet where we can see a man holding flowers with its face scribbled out...
ML: yeah because I wanted to keep it anonymous. I wanted to make it a little bit more obvious that it's not all about me. I'm not talking about myself. It's for you.

la suite (2/6)

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